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Marketing funnels are a great way to capture leads, nurture them and convert them into sales. Drive your business to the next level, make copious conversions and profits along brand name recognition. But research work is monotonous so are the funnel costs. You require the right way to do it, to make the most of…


Website! We are all familiar with this word cause when we surf the internet we came across a lot of websites. And if you are a developer you know very well that creating these amazing websites takes a lot of work and time. Mainly all the websites are created using HTML and PHP language. However,…


With thousands of free and paid WordPress themes available, many developers feel too challenging when choosing a theme for their website. Every theme has its unique look and features that can improve the performance of a website. Selecting a Better theme is necessary as it helps to build an important customer for the business. All…


Before sharing Top Websites For Joomla Tutorial, let's first talk about Joomla. It is a great CMS with a lot of suppleness and an easy user interface that makes it very plausible. However, many people feel overwhelmed when they recognize the many configurations and options that are available. Many novices have a rudimentary knowledge of…


Are you in the process of building or redesigning your website? And are you concerned that your website will put bad impression and possibly loose visitors for ever if it remains live throughout that upgrade process? What option you have when your WordPress site isn’t online? While preparing your website for launch or you have…


Do you want to change the sequence of your blog posts in WordPress in an easy way? Need an easy way to reorder blog posts in WordPress? By default, WordPress displays your blog posts in reverse sequence order (latest posts first), but sometimes you need to move specific posts up or down. While it may…


The extensions are the small coded programs that help you improve the overall experience with any browser. The extension is mainly coded in the HTML, CSS or in JavaScript. Extensions are compatible with each & every browser, are also available for Mac users. Most of the add-ons are belong to the Chrome developers. Extensions can…